So many amazing motion pictures can be obtained today - everyone who adores cinema is aware that and puts his or her best foot forward not to miss the most fabulous premiers. It may look a bit unfair but they regularly produce cool movies only in 1 language and unluckily those who know the language may enjoy it and you cannot. There are movies with subtitles which might successfully replace dubbed ones with no loss in quality of understanding. Nobody has any intentions to persuade you that subs are better than duplicated sound - not at all, they are unable to replace it to the full - but they will bring much more pleasure than any incorrect translation.
Nothing is better than natural behavior and unconstrained monologues, it's the nicest thing you can get from the adorable actor.
All the captions are typically made by the producer which shot the movie.
For example, you have a wish to see some interesting movie (say "Suits") in some foreign language with English subtitles and understand it properly, or you need the subtitles for improving of understanding of the foreign language.
You can't even imagine how effective the Suits subtitles may be in studying new languages and more complete understanding of the film.
Textual data is always very small so even a great deal of downloaded captions will never make you delete anything from the HDD. Just remember that applying subtitles while watching movies is a fantastic practice for all language learners regardless of their level and experience. In case if you cannot call yourself a proficient speaker yet the subtitles are just indispensable otherwise you won't get the writing of an unknown word, because it's difficult to get it even when you understand the context and its rough spelling. The subtitles save us from the deadly boredom when we have a wish to get a fresh episode of our beloved series and there's no dubbing yet. There are millions people who already know 1 or several foreign languages and subs will be the best support in dealing with a new one - they may learn everything using the method of analogy!
If you need to make your language skills more profound you’d better purchase the movies with subtitles only. You will rapidly value the use of captions - little time will pass and your comprehension will get to a higher level. You don't have to turn into a captions fan - just buy it if you like, it's really a good way for developing language skills and getting a new movie earlier than it's shown in the cinemas.