Conceived by Heinlein, completed by Spider.
At his death, in 1988, Robert A. Heinlein left behind a legacy of science fiction books, novels and short stories that almost single-handedly defined modern science fiction.
But one of Heinlein's science fiction masterpieces was never finished.
In 1955, Robert Heinlein began work on Variable Star, a powerful and passionate science fiction book about two young lovers driven apart by pride, power and the vastness of interstellar time and space, only to set it aside to focus on other sci-fi novels.
The detailed outline and notes Heinlein created for the project lay forgotten for decades, only to be rediscovered almost half a century later.

Now the Heinlein estate has authorized Hugo and Nebula Award-winning science fiction author Spider Robinson to expand the outline into a full-length sci-fi novel.
The result is vintage Heinlein, faithful in style and spirit to the science fiction GrandMaster's original vision.
David Crosby / Spider Robinson inverview
ExpandedBooks.com has released a video interview with Spider Robinson and David Crosby talking about their collaboration on Variable Star.
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